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IVF Manager.

Professional experiences/competences:
– IVF manager, PR and marketing manager.
– President of an IVF association.
– Working experience as CEO for an IVF center.
– Editor of an IVF magazine.

Personal characteristics/educational background:
– Passionately dedicated to the field of IVF procedure and all its aspects. Since 2013 the candidate has been addressing infertility issues among couples and individuals.
– Founder, visionary, CEO and president of a patients Association with significant experience in IVF clinic organisation, team creation, leadership, management, content editing, PR, marketing, and event organisation.
– Manager with experience, leadership and strategy development capabilities.
– Author of many different IVF projects and ESHRE speaker.
– Interest in healthcare, management in healthcare, patients support, IVF procedures, leadership.

Job type:
Freelance, Full time, Part time
Candidate location:
Europe, USA, World
Flexible to relocate for the right opportunity.